The Prorunner mk5 is a modular continuous vertical conveyor perfect for average to high capacity material handling applications.
Prorunner mk5 - Modular continuous vertical conveyor
The vertical conveyor Prorunner mk5 is a continuous product lift with the surprisingly low price tag of a discontinuous conveyor. The module-based Prorunner mk5 can easily reach a throughput of 2,000 products per hour and the vertical conveyor is particularly versatile for material handling. The modular buildup of our vertical conveyors makes shipment volumes smaller and shipment costs cheaper. Our Prorunner mk5’s can be used to effortlessly and quickly transport a wide variety of products to a second or higher floor aswell as back to the ground floor.
This energy-efficient product lift can be used to effortlessly and quickly transport a wide variety of products. Products like boxes, cases, trays or bags can be transported to and from any height you require. The product is always carried in an upright position without the risk of product deformation.
But the Prorunner mk5 can do even more! The elevator system can even be used for both ascending and descending product flows at the same time. This versatile vertical conveyor is also suitable to use as a vertical sorter by adding retractable conveyors. Find out more about vertical sorting here.
Besides vertical sorting capabilities, the vertical conveyor is also available in a washdown version. This version offers enhanced durability and is easier to clean, making it ideal for industries that require clean operations.
Why choose Qimarox?
Qimarox is a leading manufacturer of components for material handling systems. As a manufacturer of palletisers and product lifts, Qimarox distinguishes itself with a contemporary vision and approach. Innovation, quality and added value are of paramount importance. For more information on our Prorunner mk5 watch our YouTube video.
Interested in the vertical conveyor - Prorunner mk5 or another vertical transport solution?
If you would like more information about our vertical conveyor solutions, you can request a sales enquiry without any obligations. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us!
The Prorunner mk5 is a fully module based continuous product lift that can be easily assembled in almost any configuration. This system incorporates only highly reliable components that offer an extremely long service life. Maintenance is restricted to an absolute minimum.
The specifications for the continous vertical conveyor Prorunner mk5 are:
- Lowest infeed/outfeed position of the mk5: 676 mm / 27 inch
- Highest infeed/outfeed position of the mk5: 19,200 mm / 757 inch
- Max. column Height: 19,700 mm / 65 feet
- Drive System: SEW 0.37 kW
- Max. product weight: 50 kg per carrier / 110 lbs per carrier
- Min. product size: 225 x W x 50 / 9 inch x W x 2 inch
- Max. product size: 600 mm x 610 mm x H / 23.5 inch x 24 inch x H
- Throughput: 1 carrier for 200 products per hour (add further carriers for higher capacities)
- Configuration: B3 or C2 for elevating, 6G or 7F for descending (more options become available with a different type of carrier)
- Securyfence Safety Fencing H=2120 mm (83.47")
- Pitch Product Carrier 75 mm (2.95")
- Infeed Conveyor: gravity roller conveyor / powered roller conveyor optional
- Outfeed Conveyor: gravity roller conveyor / powered roller conveyor optional
Prorunner mk5 Configurations
The Prorunner mk5 can be effortlessly integrated into almost any existing setting. When configuring your system, simply follow the step-by-step plan which is designed to make it easier for you to navigate the various options. You can use the adjoining illustration to help you select your infeed and outfeed options. You can also select the type of drive system: motor (M) or gravity (G). That is all! You can then find the correct 3D image in the table below.
For example, if you would like to elevate your products, feeding them in at the front and out to the side, choose combination B4 or C1. If you would like to descend your products, feeding them both in and out to the sides, choose combination 8E or 5H.
Prorunner mk5 Vertical Conveyor brochure US
Prorunner mk5 Vertical Conveyor brochure (EU)
Demo 3D Vertical Conveyors
Layout Prorunner mk5 Vertical Conveyor .dwg
.dwg Layout Prorunner mk5 column
.dwg Layout Prorunner mk5 feeding & discharge conveyors
.step files Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor
.step files Prorunner mk5-XL vertical conveyor
Electrical drawings Prorunner mk5 & mk5-XL
Electrical drawings Prorunner mk5-Washdown V1.x
Offer request Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor - EU
Offer request Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor - USA
User manual Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor manual V1.X
User manual Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor manual V2.X
User manual Roller conveyor RDC prmk5
User manual gravity conveyor GC prmk5
User manual Multi belt conveyor MBC prmk5 EN
User manual Roller conveyor BDC prmk5 EN
Manual mounting mezzanine Prorunner mk5
User manual Belt conveyor BC1
Supplement user manual Prorunner mk5 impact resistant forks
User Manual Prorunner mk5-Washdown vertical conveyor v1.x EN
User manual Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor V3.X
User manual Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor V3.X PL
User manual Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor V3.X SE
Software bloc Prorunner mk5 - Standard - V4
Software Prorunner mk5 encoder Siemens V4
Interroll DriveControl - Instruction manual
Interroll RollerDrive EC310
Interroll Roller Drive EC5000
No, its not possible to have both infeed and outfeed in only one side of the lift. The princip of the prorunner MK5 is that all infeed/s should be in the right side and all outfeed/s should be at the left side or vice versa.
We pack our products on wood with an heat treatment. When the shipment goes overseas we use VCI worthy foil to ensure that the shipment is free of moisture and dust.
Yes, all our wood is treated against pests by a heat treatment and meets the world wide ISPM 15 standard.
This is mainly related to the flexibility and application of the lifts. For information, see the website.
An absolute encoder gives an absolute position. An incremental encoder measures the changes in position. With each movement, counting the number of steps. Qimarox uses incremental encoders from SEW because of their high quality and simplicity.
No, the rollerdrive has a diameter of 50mm. The other rolls have a diameter of 40mm.
Yes, there is an XL version with a maximum product size up to 900 x 610mm but for pallet sized products we would recommend our PR12, PRmk9 or PRmk10.
Yes the PR mk5 is available with special components/parts suitable to be installed successfully into a freezing room up to -28⁰C
The Mk5 XL becomes an option when product dimensions exceed 600 x 610 mm.
No, that’s not possible. The mk5 is not engineered for outdoor use.
Yes, the powder-coated frames and covers can be produced in a wide range of RAL colors of your choice!
Yes, due to the flexible design, we can configure a continuous lift with shuttle conveyors, so products can move up and down at the same time!
Yes, but in order to maximize buffering capacity, the lift has to operate in step by step mode (Start-Stop). The capacity is very dependent on the configuration. Please contact our sales representative for more information.
No, the capacity is limited to 400–600 cph because the product has to have enough time to travel through. For higher capacities, reject should be performed before the product reaches the lift. Performing the reject before the lift is always preferred.
No, the shuttle conveyors have an IP rating of 54, which is not enough to be washed down.
Maximum rate is subject to product height. In any case it will never exceed 1000 – 1100 cph due to shuttle cycle time.
We use photocell reflectors to detect if a product is on the conveyor. If the product is lower than 50mm, the light beam of the photocell might not be fully blocked, resulting in unreliable sensor readings.
The maximum product size for the mk5 is 600x610mm. The maximum product height depends on the height of the machine and the requested capacity. If the need arises to transport bigger products, we recommend the mk5 XL.
There are multiple factors that determine the capacity of a mk5 product lift. Some of these are: column height, amount of in and out feed levels, conveyor type, product weight and size.
No, at the moment we only sell een Washdown Stainless steel variant.
The mk5 wash-down has a rating of IP65 for the gear motor and IP66 for the other electrical components. Therefore, the lift can be cleaned using pressure washers and other industrial cleaning equipment. The IP rating of a Wipe-down is significantly lower.
No, The mk5 is a pre-engineered machine. During development, the gear motor position has been chosen with load and power consumption in mind. Changing the position to the bottom of the lift would have a negative impact on power consumption
No, a FAT is not possible. When the lift is assembled by Qimarox, every part is rigorously tested. We do not have the facility to test the system as a whole.
No, the mk5 wash-down has the same maximum product dimensions as a standard mk5. If the need arises to transport bigger products, we recommend the mk5 XL, which can transport products up to 900×610 mm
No, this machine has to be fed by an automated conveyor system.
We as Qimarox only supply inspiration software on certain Siemens Platforms and this is by no means production-ready software. These inspiration software blocks can be used as inspiration to create Allen Bradley Software.
Yes this is possible but we strongly advise you to make use of our experienced technicians on site (ask our sales department for the options in your region). If this is not possible Qimarox supplies the assembly instructions.
Anchor bolts need to be supplied by the integrator and are not part of the delivery.
The Prorunner vertical conveyors always carry the CE certificate from Qimarox. When the system integrator incorporates the lift into a larger system, they must issue a CE certificate for the entire system to ensure overall compliance.
A Prorunner vertical conveyor is supplied as a mechanical component including the sensors and cabling up to the I/O module. The control/control box is not supplied by Qimarox, but comes from the system integrator.
This of course depends on the height of the lift and any accessories ordered. However, each lift can be sent in modules, which means that the volume can be very limited.