See other applications for Qimarox components here. There are some very creative solutions to be discovered. See what our solutions can do for you.
In this solution a Prorunner mk1 vertical conveyor and a Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor are combined to handle both large and small [...]
Conveyor bridge
If a passage is needed to make it possible for forklifts or truck to pass you can build a simple conveyor bridge by the use of two vertical conveyors. The [...]
Extra product flow with retractable conveyor
In a standard Prorunner mk5 vertical conveyor application products are either transported up or down. With a small, standard option, it's also possible to add an [...]
Hanging vertical conveyor
If you need products to be transported from one floor to another and you want to save floor space it's also possible to have your vertical conveyor hanging on the [...]